SEO Tools

Use SEO tools to deliver a perfectly SEO optimized website. Use our free SEO tools to bring in traffic to your mobile friendly website. Learn how here!

Jaribu Sasa

Meta Tags

Your website meta tags are a very important part of your website SEO. The meta title, for example, is the title that goes along with the other meta tags and gives your website a title on search engines, like Google. You should focus on writing nice meta tags that will get people excited to click on your links and browse your website. It has to be very attractive in that sense and it is part of your search engine optimization. Set your website’s meta tags easily with SITE123’s platform.


The sitemap is a file that is stored with your web page in our hosts. Google and other search engines crawl the web for content and your sitemap file gives them the exact information they are looking for about your website. Your sitemap is generated automatically by our system to make your user experience that much easier. You can check what your sitemap looks like anytime on our platform. All you need to do is go to the website editor, click on Settings, then SEO, and you will see the link to your sitemap.

301 Redirect Tool

You can build a new website and keep your old website’s SEO performance. All the hard work put on building your reputation with Google, Bing and other search engines will be preserved using our 301 redirect generator. The 301 redirects tells search engines that your website, the one that they already know, is now at a different location with a new design. This feature is programmed into your SITE123 website code and it will enable search engines to understand that this is your new website to preserve the integrity of your search results to help with your online marketing.

Webmaster Tools

Create an account with Google Webmaster Tools (it's free) and bring very relevant information to your business. The Webmaster Tool shows how Google sees the site and can help you better analyze the results or find opportunities for improvement. To make use of Google Webmaster tools along with your site, simply activate the function through the site editor on SITE123. Get started today and see the first results shortly.

Sifa Kubwa Zaidi

Wateja wetu wenye furaha

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SITE123 ni, bila shaka, mbunifu wa tovuti rahisi na wa kirafiki ambaye nimekutana nao. Mafundi wao wa gumzo la usaidizi ni wataalamu wa kipekee, na hivyo kufanya mchakato wa kuunda tovuti ya kuvutia kuwa rahisi sana. Utaalam wao na msaada wao ni bora sana. Mara nilipogundua SITE123, niliacha mara moja kutafuta chaguo zingine - ni nzuri sana. Mchanganyiko wa jukwaa angavu na usaidizi wa hali ya juu hufanya SITE123 itokee kwenye shindano.
Christi Prettyman us Flag
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SITE123 ni rahisi sana kwa watumiaji katika matumizi yangu. Katika matukio machache nilipokumbana na matatizo, usaidizi wao mtandaoni ulionekana kuwa wa kipekee. Walisuluhisha maswala yoyote haraka, na kufanya mchakato wa kuunda tovuti kuwa laini na wa kufurahisha.
Bobbie Menneg us Flag
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Baada ya kujaribu wajenzi mbalimbali wa wavuti, SITE123 inajitokeza kuwa bora zaidi kwa wanaoanza kama mimi. Mchakato wake wa kirafiki na usaidizi wa kipekee mtandaoni hufanya uundaji wa tovuti kuwa rahisi. Ninaipa SITE123 ukadiriaji kamili wa nyota 5 kwa ujasiri - ni bora kwa wanaoanza.
Paul Downes gb Flag
Usisubiri tena, tengeneza tovuti yako leo! Unda wavuti

Zaidi ya tovuti 1994 SITE123 zilizoundwa katika US leo!